Could we as the globe's inhabitants, you know, those from every fraction of available inch of land mass, shoot rockets all around the globe? My idea is this, what if, with nets we as a dominant species on the surface of the planet, make space debris rain into a regulated typhoon?
With the necessary materials perhaps, you will find space debris heading towards the cosmos and the smaller materials sink into our designated acreage on the planet which is an assigned area that manages to successfully gather and recycle space debris. This way you can flush and cleanse the planet as you do your eyeball. Do our telescopes on the ground need space debris out of the way to observe the heavens more keenly? The biodegradable netting I envision, would either get ripped by the heavy debris, or the fabric carrying netting which captured space debris successfully would utilize gravity, the orbit, and the curvature of the planet to naturally filter the air as humankind bares witness to the debris falling controlably into a regulated, space debris falling zone. As I remain on point, my philosophy is this, if the nets don't grab the space debris, it means only that the space debris is comprised of heavier metals that belong in space for use with a construction project. Why is this? Well, to expand outwards and be used to build Deep Space Nine or something useful to other realms of the space time continuum.
Yes space travel and a hull at warp speed would be possible with a nuclear core, which as we know is dangerous vessel cargo. What if nuclear fusion could be regulated much more closely so that what happened in Japan or Chernobyl never ever occurs? What we need to remember also is that nature itself is caustic also. Take for example that Asteroids the size of a small battleship is an interesting natural phenomenon. Interesting in that metals which are too heavy and cause disaster are actually ingredients of said asteroid. Could we use it as it comes around to be a magnet for excessive space debris and rid the inner space antibodies, as it were, to be neatly swept away from the fish? What it would take is the function of getting the lightweight metals to land on the earth again for a second shot at being a car or a bus or a building beam! But in a sane manner where the falling debris would hit accurately on a target on the planet. What would happen if this aforementioned asteroid hit a bit of space debris, cause an air shift that puts our planet into a different spin around the sun? Would we go faster in time? Would a 24 hour period as we know it become a 48 hour period, in the eyes of the constellations?
It makes me wonder if, or what if rather, Hubble's space telescope were protected from harm by all of PS3 Halo game players. They are programmed into Hubble's Telescope in such a manner that gamers shoot asteroids and obstacles like tango's away from its path forever and a day. Would that be a good thing for the planet's well being? I think so. What if the planet, were able to reach infinity in age somehow? What if we could just snap into a new dimension when the sun wishes to engulf us. We see as we travel with the skeleton of the sun it was the right decision to take heed of a very important rock star advice and vision where it was the right decision after all to just "jump in the fire!" With the trajectory of our globe angled correctly when the sun dies out? Would we be able to adopt another star as our sun? And what if it didn't blow my mind that every granule of sand on the planet is a finite number and the silica sand that makes glass is the actual natural commodity on the planet. What if the world was made into a glass marble at its core with someone's expensive wedding ring at its center? Would the moon cause the tides to be always accurate throughout the sphere of the globe? Do we need a big or small marble for this project? If the exact center of the earth were recognized and the center of the earth were a spherical entity, would the alignment of the earth and sun be corrected ending global warming and place us back into the cooling period required for healing the planet?
Our growth rate slows to parameters to sustain the population. Slow down the planet underneath and raise the atmosphere at the same time. This way, when we reemerge, we will then learn to harvest sun correctly for the planet and use the energy of this better than fuel energy source. I call this paper "a question for NASA".