This was quite the interesting week. It began with me in the emergency room. It progressed into a bank account nightmare only to conclude with the Cardinals waxing the Mets. One out of three ain't bad hey. I was so peeved with the Mets for sweeping my Dodgers it was such sweet revenge to see them go down in front of their home crowd as my hometeam did. Anyways have a nice weekend everyone.
I am Cornholio I need TP for My Bunghole

Circular definition
This is where you include the concept you are defining in the definition of that concept.
Butthead: Shut up, bunghole!Beavis : What's a bunghole?Butthead: A bunghole is what you are, bunghole!
Fallacy of Accident
Assuming that a generalisation will hold in every case.
Butthead: They must be cool, they're from Seattle.
Converse Fallacy of Accident(?)Making a generalisation from insufficient evidence.
Storekeeper: Hello, Maximart. We've got a robbery in progressPolice : Are they armed?Storekeeper: Er...of course they're armed. Aren't all kids armed?
Equivocation means many things, but is often taken to mean using a word in a different sense to that which was intended. In fact the word "equivocation" is pretty equivocal.
(Beavis, under the influence of a music video, is "dancing" on the sofa.)
Butthead: Get down, Beavis!Beavis : I am getting down!
Circular causation
A chicken and egg situation. Not always the result of faulty logic, of course - life is often like that, as Butthead demonstrates here....
Beavis : How come Tom Petty's on TV?Butthead: Coz he's famous, dumbass.Beavis : Yeah, but how come he's famous?Butthead: Coz he's on TV, buttmunch!Beavis : Yeah, but how come he's on TV?
and so on....
Beavis on the philosophy of language
Words suck.