It Then Gets Better and Worse.

Hey guess what I won I won I won! Wow look at the contents of this e mail I get.

KCBS-TV ยท KCAL-TV 6121 SUNSET BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA 90028Congratulations!You recently entered the KCAL 9 "24" 24-Hour Marathon Sweepstakes and have been randomly selected as a winner! You, along with 3 guests, will get to spend an exciting 24-Hours this Saturday and Sunday watching the critically acclaimed show "24" starring Kiefer Sutherland at the Mann's Chinese Theater at Hollywood & Highland complex. You and your guests will have a chance to win some amazing prizes AND there will be multiple celebrity appearances!Here are the details of your prize and the "24" 24-Hour Marathon:1. Where: Mann Chinese 6 Theatre6801 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028 (bet. Hollywood and Highland in the Hollywood and Highland Mall)2. When: Saturday September 24th, 9:00 am - Sunday September 25th 9:00 am.3. Twenty-four hour parking is in the Hollywood and Highland Mall underground parking structure. Go to level P3. Take the elevator (or escalator) to level 3. The Mann Chinese 6 Theatre is right there. Please note: Parking will be the responsibility of the contest winner and guests. Maximum parking charge is $10.4. Registration begins at 8:00 am and actual attendance is first-come-first- serve. You'll be given a yellow wrist band, which you'll wear throughout the event.5. We'll be giving you lots of breaks so you can get up and stretch. Don't worry, you won't be tied to your chair for 24 hours.6. We'll have an hour and a half lunch break and an hour and forty-five minute dinner break. Feel free to leave the theatre to get a bite to eat. They're lots of great places right here in the Mall. Just don't take off your wrist band or you won't be able to get back in.7. You'll receive a gift bag upon entering. Inside you'll see a coupon, good for 1 small soda or water and one small popcorn.8. We have exclusive use of the VIP Room directly above us on the 3rd floor. You can use your coupon up there or downstairs.9. At 10:00 pm we'll be serving a light snack in the VIP Room and then coffee, tea and water will be available there throughout the remainder of the night. At 6:00 am we'll have a light continental breakfast for you.10. THE VIP Room will only accommodate 60 people at a time so please keep that in mind. You of course may bring your beverages and snacks back into the theatre.11. At every break we'll be giving away some really incredible prizing: including a Dell 42 inch plasma HDTV. BUT... you gotta be at the theatre to win.12. Finally... If you decide to leave the event anytime after 10:00 pm, please allow security to escort you to your car.Come join us to watch one of your favorite shows for an entire day, win prizes, and enjoy celebrity guest appearances throughout the "24" 24-Hour Marathon!Please respond to this email as soon as possible or call Erica Olsen at 323-460-3723 to confirm your attendance for the event.Thank you for entering the KCAL 9 "24" 24-Hour Marathon Sweepstakes!Best, Erica OlsenErica Olsen Sales Marketing Coordinator
Okay Now For The Bad!!!
So I get there last Saturday at 8 am like they said in the ad and the doors at the theater open up about 8:15. I took notice initially of the camera after the line was formed around the entrance sign in desk. On the desks were these really cool kcal 9 hats and zipper bags and other knick-knacks. I was so happy to be there. I could find none of my friends to go with me on such short notice. I filled out a waiver then a raffle card which they placed in a bowl. After the 1'st break they raffled three or four really awesome prizes which I didn't win well the day goes on and I went out to use the rest room. On my way out I notice these girls walking up the stairs to their VIP lounge not in your ordinary attire. These two were wearing large fishet stockings and a mini skirt a top and nothing more. I along with several others got a big eyeful of vagina and unfortunately it lead me to the following e mail that I had to send the production company hosting the event.

Listen, I was escorted out of the event half way through the event for "allegedly" harassing some girls at the theater. The girls I believe in question were wearing very short cut mini-skirts and fishnet stockings and they caught my attention earlier in the day. I noticed them as they walked up the steps to the VIP lounge. They were entirely exposed. I went upstairs after I went to the restroom and told the girls that they were being noticed by other theater patrons who actually pointed them out and said did you see that and that was the only contact I had with them and mentioned that they were beautiful. I meant absolutely no harm. I noticed them again at the break that ended at 8 across the street at the pizza parlor and bought a snapple there and sat down. They left the pizza parlor first and on the way out I noticed them again in a line outside along with a guy who said to me "what's with the camera". I was one of a thousand plus people around there with a digital camera taking pictures of the celebrities across the street. I did snap a picture of the two girls from afar at the Chinese Theater. I also snapped a picture of Mekhi Phifer.

I was simply there to enjoy the event. I've seen every episode of 24 except for one of the episodes of the second seasons and am truly a fan. I DID NOT HARRASS THESE GIRLS at all. I feel that not only am I owed an apology, I feel cheated out of a possible prize I could have received had my name been drawn. The theater's staff's assessment of the situation was entirely inaccurate. Will you please make this mishap up to me?
It's Been Awhile and Do I Ever Have News of Misfortune!!!

Well where do I start. I know I'll flash back to about three weeks ago Wednesday!!! So I get off work and start off down the street after my third 12.5 hour day in a row and proceeded down Cahuenga Blvd. At the corner of Selma and Cahuenga there is a Bar which I think is a gay bar where there's usually a crowd smoking cigarrettes. When I got there the flashing hand was going off on the don't walk sign and I could tell there were about two more flashing hands before the yellow light were to appear. Well when I put one step into the street which was only about 15 yards in length and the light turned prematurely yellow, I think because of a major blackout happening throught the city a few days prior. I proceeded to sprint at that point and landed on the other side of the curb just as the light turned red. I then walked another 45 yards or so and noticed a police officer hit the lights on a car down the street. Then looking around a bit more I see another squad car pull a u turn in the street right before me. These two cops nonchalantly approached me and asked me "do you know why we've stopped you?" and I'm thinking to myself what are you stopping me? and say no I have no idea. These two morons claim I crossed on a red which I am absolutely sure that I did not and cited me after putting cuffs on me and the whole nine. You talk about jerks. So I get home after cursing the whole way in my head and waiting on me was my AMA test results to be state certified as a medical assistant. I looked at the envelope for a good while before I opened it and to my dismay I learned that I failed the exam. So that happened