It's Been Awhile and Do I Ever Have News of Misfortune!!!

Well where do I start. I know I'll flash back to about three weeks ago Wednesday!!! So I get off work and start off down the street after my third 12.5 hour day in a row and proceeded down Cahuenga Blvd. At the corner of Selma and Cahuenga there is a Bar which I think is a gay bar where there's usually a crowd smoking cigarrettes. When I got there the flashing hand was going off on the don't walk sign and I could tell there were about two more flashing hands before the yellow light were to appear. Well when I put one step into the street which was only about 15 yards in length and the light turned prematurely yellow, I think because of a major blackout happening throught the city a few days prior. I proceeded to sprint at that point and landed on the other side of the curb just as the light turned red. I then walked another 45 yards or so and noticed a police officer hit the lights on a car down the street. Then looking around a bit more I see another squad car pull a u turn in the street right before me. These two cops nonchalantly approached me and asked me "do you know why we've stopped you?" and I'm thinking to myself what are you stopping me? and say no I have no idea. These two morons claim I crossed on a red which I am absolutely sure that I did not and cited me after putting cuffs on me and the whole nine. You talk about jerks. So I get home after cursing the whole way in my head and waiting on me was my AMA test results to be state certified as a medical assistant. I looked at the envelope for a good while before I opened it and to my dismay I learned that I failed the exam. So that happened
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