Talk About Your Bad Days!!!

Man I was so late for work this day. It was the same of the American Idol Finale. I know this because it was the reason for my being late. The traffic is always a nightmare when Hollywood decides to throw a shindig near my neck of the woods. Speaking of Hollywood. I feel compelled to mention my latest Celebrity Sighting. That being Mr. Aston Kutcher. True story. I was in the elevator with him at the CNN building where I work. What drew my attention to him was his outstanding cell phone. I was going to the 5th floor of the building and he was going to the 7th I think. I said to myself that is him about the 4th floor reached for my digital camera imediately then powered it up then the damned elevator doors opened. I foolishly stepped out of the elevator aimed the camera at him and he covered his face away from the camera. And furthermore since my chip was almost full of other photos the damned thing flashed and the elevator door closed. I took a perfectly good picture of an elevator door lol. I was so angry with myself for missing that photo op. Aston buddy I only wanted a picture. Hopefully our paths will cross again.
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