Rick Springfield Weekend

So yeah, the man just keeps bringing it!!! I had such a fantastic time this February 18th Saturday night!!!
I probably should start the good with the bad though.
So it begins that my plans started with the selection of an attractive date. I had been drawn to this one girl at work, Melissa, or M & M's (being that her last name begins with an M). So that was one thing in place; or was it? She told me flat out three days after I put in a note in her bookbag requesting her to accompany me to the show that she would go with me, that she would go although she was seeing someone. Although that was a bit of a drag to hear I still was bound and determined to show her a good non-commitmental time. And I gave her over a month of advance heads up. I said its' actually okay with me (her mention of a b/f) because I wanted her appearance with me mainly for eye candy. Then the tickets. Well, I put that off for a while and was outbid twice before an opportunity presented itself to get a standing pit ticket. Great!! the price was right for the one but how could I land another? This was of concern for about 3 days before the show. Then a lucky break. The person who auctioned the first one mentioned that her friend bailed out and she was flying in from TX to see the show also. So I saved on postage and arranged a meet for the other. I met up with her at her hotel lobby Saturday and that went well. What didn't go so smooth was acquiring the ticket I won on ebay(ticket #1). I went straight to courier hell that Friday night. After 2 prior delivery attempts failed A)when I was not able to attrive them at my apartment and B)being a digit off to have it addressed to my employer. So while at work I instructed the sender to get it to my job after enlightening her of the accurate work address. The concert was Saturday and at 5 pm Friday the ticket was still with the courier; unreal. I phoned the courier early Friday and was told it was on the delivery truck. Then at 5, after the workday and with rain starting to fall, I figured I'd stick out another hour in front of my job waiting for the courier. Fifteen minutes into the wait, I told a co-worker of the dilemma and he suggested I call again. The representative for the courier on the phone told me it was at a station deep in LA miles away. So I nudged, my co-worker to give me a lift in which he reluctantly did, and subsequently got into a minor fender bender. So here's the kicker!!! I get to the courier in the rain after getting lectured and getting lost with my co-worker. I was told at the courier headquarters that it was actually "ON" the delivery truck and was due to arrive at my job and would get to the depot I was now at, in 45 minutes. (*slaps forehead). So I sent my co-worker friend away and took a bus after retrieving the ticket. It was pouring buckets so after two bus rides I decided to put in more time at my second job to reach the hours that I was short there. I thought while there I should be seeing M & M's to solidify the plans for tomorrow night. If she only knew that I had planned the evening for months I think she wouldn't have flaked like she did. Yeah, not only did I not run into her that night but the day of the show I didn't hear one peep. I left my cell phone number instead at the job on Saturday. I didn't end up hearing from her 'til Monday night. So Saturday I go to the local record store and deal with a super expensive price for the latest Rick Springfield CD later to learn that at the concert it was a full 8 bucks cheaper. Then walking down the street, I run into my hairdresser and get the big idea to get braided up before the show. So I go home and shower and get on over to her house. I stopped at the versateller and then to her place a good 45 minutes to get there. I was hoping to get done in time to get home and dressed again but that didn't happen as planned as my hairdresser wasn't there when I arrived at her house. So I had to play the waiting game. She finished around 7:30 with the show starting at 8. I was quite stressed at this point being that my hairdresser ran short of time and left my hair incomplete. So I sold the ticket to someone outside the door and took a 40 dollar bath on that. Melissa(grrrrrrrrrr!!!!)
But now the good. The opening band was only average but I was so stoked to be up front with my new digital camera in hand. And before long, there he was, like a knight right out of a fairy book. My idol, all the way from childhood right before my very eyes and closer than ever before. Wow, all that crap from earlier totally vanished when I just heard the hits flowing like water. Before I knew it I was right on cue with all the songs and this fellow RS fan totally captured my attention as much as Rick did. Man was she a hottie! I was snapping picture after picture. I find myself happiest at Rick Springfield concerts. This girl I was later to find out is a popular actress. Wow what luck. So I got her phone number and she was great and then when I went in the lobby I went nuts at the T-shirt stand and got a t and a guitar pick as I missed one by inches up close and a keychain and a poster. All for 50 bucks which was a pretty good price. Getting home was only a quick trainride. But when I got home you'll never believe what happened. I was so pumped up from the show I tripped over the carpet in my room and went smash into the glass window four stories high. Had the glass not been lined I think that would have been the end of the Sixxer. But this actress I met at the show mentioned that she'd call has blew that chance twice and I sent her the picture I took of her right away. Man chicks are stressing me out. By the way I taped my new Rick Springfield poster to 6 manilla folders and with scotch tape lined my window. Yeah life is nuts. I think my next post will be related to the Oscars next month.
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